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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What would you do if life threw you a curve ball?

Yes, it has been a long time since the last post, hasn't it? When Donald passed away, I planned to take an extra week or two off from posting. Little did I know that it would be nine months!!

The logistics of dealing with long-distance estate issues were more time-consuming than I thought. Spring was very busy with life coaching, speaking engagements, Evan's final days at pre-school and planning for a return trip to California. There were even loose ends from my own parents' estate to wrap up, and they needed to be done in person.

Evan and I spent part of May and June away from home. Much of the day was spent entertaining my energetic little boy, who had to endure waiting at the DMV and going to the county clerk's office. We found time for fun, but at the back of my mind was the never-ending 'to-do' list.

Evenually, I got sick. Poor Evan was stuck in the house with me for two days. As often happens when we get sick from overdoing, God finally got my attention. He said, "Enough, daughter. Rest and prepare for what is coming."

Darrin arrived for a few days, and we planned a much-needed July vacation. I was able to chart out goals for my business. Evan was to start kindergarten on August 25, and I composed a schedule that would allow me to coach and also help my friend Gigi Hudnall with her start-up business. Everything was falling into place. I was rested and prepared.

Or so I thought...

Three days after school and Gigi's business started, she and her 5-year-old son Kenny were in a terrible car accident. Kenny was paralyzed from the neck down, and the Hudnall's lives were thrown into chaos. Friends and extended family prayed, brought meals and helped Gigi keep her newborn business afloat. The Hudnalls were amazing in the face of such a crisis and thousands of people logged on to Kenny's blog to pray for the family.

My ideal plans were tossed right out the window. Evan was having a hard time adjusting to kindergarten, my mornings were taken up with helping Gigi by attending meetings for her business, driving the van with Evan proved to be less than idyllic... Then a much loved friend experienced a life-threatening medical crisis, and on and on it went. I was uncomfortable and felt that I wasn't giving enough to my family, my business, my friends.

Plans to attend my high-school reunion nearly went out the window too, but God kept prompting me to go. Isn't it great when we listen to Him? It was a wonderful mini-sabbatical, and the Lord placed several dear friends and spiritual 'uplifters' in my path. Once again, I was reminded that my timetable is not His timetable. "Relax daughter," He said to me over and over until I got it. (I'm so glad for His infinite patience!!)

So December was spent in the lap of His love. Yes, things were still busy, but now I had a sense of His peace. It was alright to re-launch the blog in 2009. It was OK to not have my photo up on Facebook right away. Everything that had to be done was done, and as for the others...Well, sometimes we just have to give ourselves some grace. He certainly does.

Things fell into place, but it felt different this time. It was not frenetic. There was no sense of forced urgency. Yes, I made plans and thought about goals, but it was in His time, not mine.

So thank you all for your patience, prayers and good wishes over the past nine months. My prayer for 2009 is that you live in the lap of His love, remembering the amazing grace He has shown to us. How reassuring to know that He is big enough to catch any curve ball life throws at you.

Smiles and Blessings,

P.S. Kenny is doing extremely well. To read about this incredible family of faith, click on the link above. You will be blessed beyond measure!

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About Me

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San Antonio, Texas
I am a certified life coach and would love to help you discover and live your life's purpose!