Welcome to The Purpose Post!

Friday, October 24, 2014


Ha! That got your attention, didn't it? Well, no this isn't going to be a blog discussing the pros and cons of last Christmas' mega-hit. But I am going to riff a bit on the title of "Let It Go".

Which is apt, I suppose, as many of you might be feeling that way in general about the song which inspired the title. I mean, we have heard it a lot. A LOT. We like it, but we are ready for it to 'Go'. And although it's been awhile, it seems to be poking its little notes back out of the LAN systems of all the stores selling Elsa costumes, which I hear is a big seller this Halloween.

So maybe that's what prompted me to write on the blog again. I have been pretty busy in the past three years, but not busy blogging. Obviously. I let it go, but not in the way the song means. More like, I 'Let It Slip'. But I'm not letting it go.

No, Letting It Go at this stage of the game is more about reassessing priorities and boundaries. Assessing something means to place a value on it.  And while we cannot put a monetary value on such things as family, friends, passion, creativity, affection, et.al., we can look at what we spend our time upon. That's frequently a good assessment of the things in our lives.

While the blog may not command a high assessment, it is a treasured one. So I am going to do my best to post weekly. The blog's purpose may change. The title may change. But it will claim more of my attention.

Which leads me to the "Let It Go" thing. Because for this to grow in my assessment, something else will have to recede a bit. So here are some of the things I'm Letting Go of:

  • Perfectionism. Yes, I call myself a recovering perfectionist, which means I'm still working on it although it may seem like I'm 'cured'. But I am not. I continually have to fight it and kick it to the curb. It is an ugly, pervasive, pernicious troll of a characteristic; all the more so because it masquerades as a virtue:  "Don't you want it to be right? How can you accept mediocrity", etc. Ugh. I must remember to strive for excellence, not perfection. 
  • Procrastination. It stems from the first one. If it can't be perfect (because almost nothing ever is), then I'm going to wait until I've figured out how to make it perfect. Circular thinking at its best. Or rather, worst.
  • Mynocks. Huh?!? Geek alert here, but they are creatures from 'Star Wars'. They latch onto starships like the Milennium Falcon, start chewing on the power cables, and drain the ship of its energy. Han Solo had to shoo them off. You see where I'm going with this one. Look, I love my Mynocks in a big way. They are some of the most important people in my life.  But I need to learn to shoo them off (hopefully lovingly, but I'm not perfect!). You can land on my ship and go along for the ride, but you can't chew my power cables. 
  • Enough-edness. Again, huh? Let me explain. I will never be enough. There will always be someone smarter, more talented, richer, holier, better parent (oh, the Mommy Wars, stop already!!) etc. than I am. I will never be enough because I always want to get better. Not in a perfectionist way, but in a way that keeps me learning, growing, exploring. In a way that keeps me from stagnating. I don't want to be 'enough'. But with that comes vulnerability. We stop allowing ourselves to 'begin' something new. And even when we do, frequently there's a Mynock or a Perfectionist waiting to tear us down. I'm going to try new things, I'm warning you. And I just might stink at them until I get it right. 
So the blog starts anew. It will still have a Purpose, but it won't be Perfect. Because I'm Letting Go of that. I assessed its value and found it wanting, along with Procrastination, Mynocks and Enough-edness. Love, Laughter, Joy, Creativity; these are the things of value. 

Until next time!

About Me

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San Antonio, Texas
I am a certified life coach and would love to help you discover and live your life's purpose!